An important message from our CEO, John L. LippFAAS CEO John L. Lipp announces his retirement from FAAS as of next June in a heartfelt letter to the public.
Vali Ebert: FAAS's sparkling gem + our 2024 Noah Award winner“Vali is a true treasure to FAAS,” says John Lipp, FAAS director and CEO. “She is a sparkling gem who has made a huge, huge difference."
After the Ball's Dog Pet Star: Simon, the "unadoptable" dogAn "unadoptable" one-eyed dog whose tongue is too big for his mouth finds a loving forever home with other "unadoptable" dogs
After the Ball's Cat Pet Star: Flesh Ripper, the ironically named catFlesh Ripper, a cat named by a boy 12 years ago, never lived up to his name. The boy is now a young man, and his gentle cat is his shadow.
Explore dog-friendly Alameda!Alameda is one of the most dog-friendly cities in the Bay Area, with more than 100 restaurants welcoming dogs, and lots of other businesses